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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

10 Obscure and Interesting Facts about Asia

Asia has influenced the Western world in many ways, but for all the vast benefits we’ve received from them, we’re barely even scraping the surface of what goes on in this diverse continent. From centuries-old tradition to modern trends that will leave you scratching your head in bewilderment, here are 10 unusual facts about Asia.
Universal Birthday
Fact: Vietnamese New Year Is Everybody’s Birthday
Vietnamese New Year, or Tet, occurs annually sometime in late winter and lasts for several days. It begins on the first day of the Lunar calendar, which is usually sometime in early February or late January.
Among many other Tet traditions, the new year is also considered a birthday celebration. Along with Koreans, Vietnamese measure age by the number of Lunar new years they have lived through, so a baby will officially turn one on his first Tet, even if he was only born a few days before the event takes place.
Thailand’s Water Gun Festival
Speaking of New Years traditions, the Thai New Year is celebrated from the 13th through the 15th of April. Known as the Songkran festival, which is Thai for “astrological passage,” the main attraction is being sprayed in the face by a mixture of water and flour or talc powder.
Originally the celebration had spiritual connotations—water was poured over statues of Buddhas, and then people would collect the water that dripped off and pour it over their loved ones for good luck. These days, it’s just a free-for-all with water guns for sale on every corner and people standing beside the streets down anybody who passes.
Largest Shopping Mall
Fact: The World’s Largest Shopping Mall Is A Ghost Town
In 2005, Chinese billionaire Alex Hu Guirong began building the world’s largest shopping mall in Dongguan, China. At seven million square feet, the New South China Mall had room for up to 2,350 shops—not to mention the full-size indoor roller coaster, the 1.3 mile long canal (complete with gondolas), and the 82 foot replica of the Arc de Triomphe.
There was only one problem—nobody wanted to put a store in it. From 2005 until the present, only about one percent of the mall has ever been used—ever. The other 6,930,300 square feet just is gathering dust under cloth covers, and the only people who really work there are the security guards who keep squatters away.
There are a few reasons why the mall flopped so hard, and one of them is the location—Dongguan only has a population of 10 million, most of them poor-ish factory workers, and it can take a few hours to even get there.
Merry Christmas
Fact: North Koreans Celebrate Their Own Version Of Christmas
In North Korea, the citizens don’t celebrate Christmas. Christmas is still a thing in North Korea, it’s just closer to an act of war than a celebration. So instead of embarking on Christmas festivities, North Koreans will instead celebrate the birth of Kim Jong Il’s mother, who was born on December 24th.
The North Korean government has a long history of keeping a tight hold over the religious groups within their borders—they famously tortured a woman in 2002 for smuggling Christians out of the country. Since then they have continued to demonize and censor as much Western influence as possible—including placing a series of patriotic holidays around Christmas. Besides the birth of Kim Jong’s mother, North Koreans celebrate “Constitution Day” on December 27th, and on New Years they hold marches to the view resting place of Kim Il Sung’s (the guy who started the Korean War) embalmed body.
China Only Has One Time Zone
China is roughly 3,200 miles (5,200 km) wide, which is large enough to cover about 5 separate time zones (the U.S. has 4). Despite that, China has had only one national time zone since the Chinese Civil War in 1949.
The reason for doing it that way was mostly political—China is a big freaking place, and after 20 years of civil war the People’s Republic of China wanted to give everybody a sense of unity. Unfortunately, that meant that while Beijing was seeing the sun rise at 6 AM, western areas like Xinjiang wouldn’t see dawn for two more hours.
This system is still in place today, although Xinjiang has put their foot down and created their own unofficial time zone, which is two hours behind China Standard Time. The Chinese government doesn’t recognize it.
It’s Illegal To Be Fat In Japan
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Japan is currently considered the skinniest industrialized nation in the world, and there’s a very good reason for that—it’s against the law to be fat. Japanese law dictates that a male over the age of 40 can’t have a waistline larger than 33.5 inches (85 cm). Women are given a little more leeway with 35.4 inches (90 cm).
Why? The official reasoning is that, well, slim people are healthier, and it’s an effort to combat high cholesterol and high blood pressure. People who are over the legal waist size have to go through counseling and government-approved diets, and companies who have a large number of overweight employees have to pay a fine, which goes towards healthcare for seniors.
World Population
Fact: China and India Are A Third Of The World’s Population
It’s well known that China has a large population, but the actual size of it is staggering. The Sichuan province alone has a population larger than Greece, Portugal, Holland, Guatemala, Austria, Malaysia, New Zealand, Australia, and Canada combined—and it’s only the fourth largest province in the country.
In fact, India and China combined make up more than a third of the world’s entire population—2.5 billion people as of 2012. And all those people fit into an area barely larger than the United States.
Baby Tossing For Good Luck
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At a shrine in the mountains of Solapur, India, newborns are brought to partake in a ritual that is supposed to provide the child with good luck, courage, and health. Babies are carried to the top of a 50 foot tower and then dropped off the edge—into a stretched sheet held by monks at the bottom of the tower.
This Muslim tradition has been practiced for over 500 years, and it’s still happening today. While a lot of people are horrified at the ritual, the Musti villagers claim that there has never been an injury. You can watch a clip of it here.
Watch Those Hands
Fact: Indians Eat With The Right Hand, Wipe With The Left
One of the most interesting customs in India is that they will only eat with their right hand. The reason is that after you use the toilet you don’t use toilet paper – you cup some water in your left hand and use it to wipe up. Aside from hotels or restaurants that cater to Westerners, it’s actually hard to find a bathroom that even has toilet paper in the entire country—why would you use paper when you have a perfectly good left hand, right?
In addition to eating, it’s considered insulting to do just about anything else with your left hand, such as handing over money or using it to shake hands in greeting.
Chinese Children
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Fact: Chinese Children Are Named After Events
In 1992, China put in its application to host the 2000 Olympics. That same year, 680 Chinese people named their newborns Aoyun, which translates directly to “Olympic Games.” More than 4,000 people went on to give that name to their children over the next 15 years, with another big surge when it was announced that China would host in 2008. But it’s not overly strange for Chinese parents to name their children after events or political movements.
This is only one technique for naming children in China—there are many others—but according to the Chinese registry, other common names are as diverse as “Defend China” or “Build the Nation.” Some children are even named simply “Space Travel,” which is awesome, and almost 300,000 “Civilisations” are currently living in the country. For comparison, that would be like an American naming their son “America” or “Obama for President.”

Top 10 Reasons Life Was Better In the Fifties

If Happy Days taught us anything, it’s that life was better in the fifties. People left their door unlocked at night, kids respected their elders and a guy who lived above his best friend’s garage could still be cool so long as he owned a leather jacket. Well, turns out The Fonz didn’t lie: despite the racism, homophobia and extra racism, the fifties were a pretty good time to be alive—thanks to things like:
Modern stimulus packages have nothing on the Second World War. In just five years, the US economy went from Old Yeller’s flyblown corpse to Super Dog on steroids. Debt was low, growth was sustainable and huge swathes of the population were leaping out of poverty. At the same time, employment levels were shooting up fast enough to give a statistician nightmares. In 1932, unemployment had reached over twenty-five percent—two decades later, it was under three. For comparison, we’ve been stuck with around eight percent for four years. Length of unemployment was also low: if someone lost their job, they could expect to be back in work within four months—instead of the nine a modern layoff has to stick.
Fair Taxation
Last year treated us to the depressing sight of a bunch of rich white guys throwing a massive temper tantrum over the thought of becoming slightly-less-rich white guys. At the heart of this congressional hissy fit was an ideology that states low taxes will help the economy, while high taxes will destroy it. Considering we hit recession with a top rate of thirty-five percent, that must mean we were paying almost nothing in those 1950s boom years. What, maybe ten percent? Lower?
Try ninety-one. Business Insider analyzed tax rates since 1912 and found periods of high taxation corresponded to strong growth, while low taxation always heralded a bone-shaking crash. In the 1950s—a period when the middle class felt like it was pooping money—the government was raising taxes and people paid them. It’s almost like our parents and grandparents didn’t think billionaires paying less tax than their cleaner was somehow fair.
Less Crime
Despite what the media tells us, crime is falling. You’re less likely to be murdered now than at any time in the last twenty years, though not as safe as you would have been in 1957. That’s when the murder rate bottomed out at four people per 100,000, the lowest in fifty five years. Before that it spent three years hovering around 4.1, which is still pretty good. For comparison, between hippie love-in Woodstock (1969) and OJ Simpson getting his butt hauled back into court (1997) it remained over seven. So all those stories your grandma tells about being able to leave her door unlocked at night and let her kids play alone in abandoned warehouses are completely true.
Access to Education
If you want to get ahead in life, get an education. Really, it’s as simple as that. Countless studies have found that those educated to degree level make on average a ton more money than those who aren’t. Unfortunately, college is expensive. Unless you’re rich or prepared for a lifetime of debt it’s not really an option—unless you happen to live in 1950.
Thanks to something called the G.I Bill, kids who would never have otherwise gone to college found themselves doing just that. Running from 1944 to 1956, the bill put aside serious funds to allow returning servicemen a shot at education or training. Bear in mind the sort of people who fought in WWII and the Korean War were mostly regular kids—working or lower middle class Joes who would’ve been chased off by campus security only a decade earlier. Thanks to the bill, around 7.8 million veterans were able to better themselves. That’s more than the entire university population of the UK today.
Spending Power
Between WWII and 1970, purchasing power exploded. One guy working a blue collar job could provide for his entire family. According to Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman, this was largely thanks to a third of America’s workforce being unionized, meaning any manager who mistreated his workers was setting himself up for a major ass-whupping. Money went further too: minimum wage earners could cover their rent with slightly over a week’s full-time work, meaning even those at the bottom had money to spare. In fact, the only people who saw their lifestyles slip in this period were top executives—who saw their incomes drop into line with everyone else’s. Fast forward to today and the minimum wage buys nothing, while inequality is the worst it’s been since the Great Depression.
The Suburbs
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Today we think of the suburbs as a hotbed of depression, anxiety, and sex with your girlfriend’s parents. But in the 1950s they were meant to symbolize everything that was great about modern America. And they did.
For a huge chunk of the American public, the suburbs represented their first chance to get out of the inner city and into their own house. Pre-WWII, the younger generation mostly rented dingy apartments and concentrated on saving up. In Britain it was even worse—prefab communities were built to replace horrific slums the Luftwaffe had recently flattened. To the children of the forties, the suburbs were a huge step up. Suddenly you had light, space, a bit of land and a place to call your own. Best of all, they gave the growing middle class something to aim for—a reason to work hard and keep the economy growing.
Social Mobility
The basic idea of the American Dream is that anyone who works hard will be rewarded. You start off poor, you bust your gut and in thirty years you’re CEO of everything. The fifties took that dream and ran with it: a child born in the USA post-WWII was more than twice as likely to graduate as one born literally anywhere else in the Western world. This trend continued right through to the early seventies, at which point neo-liberalism rated its head. Skip forward to now and we’ve gone from being the best to the worst. According to economist Robert Reich, forty-two percent of children now born into poverty will stay there, a higher percentage than in countries that still have kings. In 2013 the American Dream has nothing to do with hard work—and everything to do with who your parents are.
In Hollywood, setting something in the fifties is shorthand for things like ‘nostalgia’ and ‘optimism’. When you look at everything else on this list, it makes sense—but how the hell do you measure optimism?
Beginning in 1935, Polling Company AIPO spent decades ringing strangers up and asking them how happy they were—a move that actually yielded usable data. According to this book the fifties saw a surge of people claiming they were very happy, peaking between 1955 and 1960 at around forty percent. That’s the highest it’s ever been. Remember this isn’t just ‘happy’ but ‘very happy’—as in nothing could possibly be better. A different study measuring average happiness across the decades also placed the fifties as peak smiling time, with everything going downhill after that, right up till our groaning present.
Falling Debt
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The second installment of Germany’s popular ‘world war’ series sent us plunging into debt, but by 1950 it was already under control. At the start of the decade, debt was around seventy percent of GDP—by 1960 it had fallen to slightly over forty. And it kept falling. This wasn’t some brief dip but an on-going, sustainable trend toward the sort of debt levels congress can only dream of. By comparison, we’ve spent the last few years piling that debt back on like Garfield coming off a diet. According to the Congressional Budget Office, we’re on course to hit seventy-seven percent this year, with some sources putting it at over one hundred. That would put our debt at almost the same level as during WWII, only without the excuse of a worldwide war.
After WWII, America was popular. How popular? According to historian Michel Winock, so popular even the French loved us. Despite the rise of left wing anti-Americanism, popular polls conducted between 1952 and 1957 showed ordinary French citizens were infatuated with us. That’s the same French who routinely gave us approval ratings as low as thirty seven percent following the Iraq War. Even in the countries we’d just bombed our approval rating was good. Now compare that to 2013, where the government has a list of thirty four countries it considers dangerous for Americans to simply show their face in and Europe basically hates us.

Top 10 Evolutionarily Unique Animals

Using a scientific framework to identify the world’s most Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered (EDGE) species, the EDGE of Existence programme highlights and protects some of the weirdest and most wonderful species on the planet. This is a list of the top 10.
10. Pygmy hippopotamus
The pygmy hippo is a solitary animal that lives among dense vegetation along streams and swamps and in the rainforests of West Africa. It sometimes lives in cultivated areas, but the pygmy hippo is shy: it avoids people, as well as other hippos. Each hippo has its own territory. The male’s territory is larger than the female’s; both mark their territorial boundaries with their droppings. The pygmy hippo feeds mainly when it is dark. It spends most of the day resting within its territory. It changes resting places once or twice a week.
9. Attenborough’s long-beaked echidna
This animal is one of three species from the genus Zaglossus to occur in New Guinea. It is named in honour of Sir David Attenborough. It was considered extinct until recent expeditions have discovered tracks and locals have reported seeing the creature.
8. Bactrian camel
An imposing animal, the Bactrian camel can reach seven feet in height and weigh up to 1,500 pounds. The species’ thick, brown coat changes with the seasons. During winter, it thickens to provide added insulation against the cold while large chunks of fur are shed in the summer to keep the animal cool. Both male and female Bactrian camels have two large humps on their backs. The Bactarian camel is endangered due to loss of habitat.
7. Yangtze River dolphin
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This dolphin, also called a Baiji, is a freshwater dolphin found only in the Yangtze River in China. Unfortunately it has already reached the conservation status of Critically endangered – possibly extinct. Fossil records suggest that the dolphin first appeared 25 million years ago and migrated from the Pacific Ocean to the Yangtze River 20 million years ago.
6. Slender loris
The slender loris is a small, nocturnal primate found only in the tropical rainforests of Southern India and Sri Lanka. They are able to live in wet and dry forests, as well as lowland and highland forests. They prefer thick, thorny vegetation wherein they can easily escape predators and find the large assortment of insects that is the mainstay of their diet. The Indian government has laws protecting the slender loris, but its effect is difficult to gage.

5. Hirola antelope
This antelope has recently become very rare, with current censuses reporting fewer than 400 individuals. Only one hirola exists in captivity: an aging female at the Gladys Porter Zoo in Brownsville, Texas. It is a relic species, and only exists today (barely) due to its unique habitat requirements. Another name for this antelope is the “four-eyed antelope”, due to its pronounced, dark-colored preorbital glands, which are enlarged when excited.
4. Bumblebee bat
The Bumblebee bat competes with the Etruscan pygmy shrew for the title of world’s smallest mammal. These bats are so-named since they’re about the size of a bumblebee, weigh about as much as a dime, and have the ability to hover like hummingbirds. Their roosting habitat consists of the hot upper chambers of caves in limestone hills. Bumblebee bats are are now considered one of the twelve most endangered species on the planet.
3. Golden-rumped elephant shrew
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The Golden-rumped elephant shrew is the largest of all the unique African family, the elephant shrews. It is the size of a small rabbit, and is only found in the coastal Arabuko Sokoke National Park north of Mombassa in Kenya. It is classified as endangered because of its highly restricted and fragmented environment; it is also hunted for food and by feral dogs.
2. Hispaniolan solenodon
Hispaniolan solenodon, also known as the Haitian Solenodon or Agouta, is a solenodon only found on the island of Hispaniola, shared by Haiti and the Dominican Republic, and was unknown to science until 1833. Currently, the solenodon may only be surviving in only two places in the Dominican Republic: Jaragua and Del Este National Parks and La Visite National Park in neighboring Haiti. Its presence in Los Haitises National Park in the Dominican Republic is inferred but unconfirmed.
1. Long-eared jerboa
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The Long-eared Jerboa, is a nocturnal mouse-like rodent with a long tail, long hind legs for jumping, and exceptionally large ears. It is distinct enough that authorities consider it to be the only member of both its genus, Euchoreutes, and subfamily, Euchoreutinae. In 2007 Zoological Society of London sent a researcher to study human impact on its environment. The study returned with video footage that been noted as the “first time” the creature has been “recorded on camera”. This has helped to start a campaign to protect them.

The most powerful cars in the world. The most powerful engine. Top Rated engine power supercars.

Nissan GT-R AMS Alpha 12 4 litre V6 AWD 2011
  Nissan GT-R AMS Alpha 12   4 litre V6 AWD   2011
120000 $
top speed
370 km/h, 230 mph
engine power & torque
1500 hp, 1103 kW
1375 Nm @ 4500 rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
2.4 seconds

SSC Tuatara 7 litre V8 RWD 2011
  SSC Tuatara   7 litre V8 RWD   2011
880000 $
top speed
430 km/h, 267 mph
engine power & torque
1350 hp, 993 kW
1500 Nm @ rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
2.8 seconds

HTT Locus Plethore LC-1300 8.2 liter V8 AWD 2008
  HTT Locus Plethore LC-1300   8.2 liter V8 AWD   2008
1000000 $
top speed
385 km/h, 239 mph
engine power & torque
1300 hp, 956 kW
950 Nm @ 3000 rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
2.8 seconds

SSC Ultimate Aero TT 6.3 liter V8 AWD 2009
  SSC Ultimate Aero TT   6.3 liter V8 AWD   2009
590000 $
top speed
430 km/h, 267 mph
engine power & torque
1287 hp, 946 kW
Nm @ rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
2.5 seconds

Hennessey VR1200 Twin Turbo Cadillac CTS-V Coupe 7 litre V8 RWD 2012
  3 star Hennessey VR1200 Twin Turbo Cadillac CTS-V Coupe   7 litre V8 RWD   2012
220000 $
top speed
390 km/h, 242 mph
engine power & torque
1243 hp, 914 kW
1507 Nm @ 4000 rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
3 seconds

Lamborghini Gallardo Dallas Performance Stage 3 5.2 liter V10 AWD 2012
  Lamborghini Gallardo Dallas Performance Stage 3   5.2 liter V10 AWD   2012
400000 $
top speed
376 km/h, 233 mph
engine power & torque
1220 hp, 897 kW
1411 Nm @ 5000 rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
2.8 seconds

Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport 8 litre W16 AWD 2010
  3 star Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport   8 litre W16 AWD   2010
Bugatti again among the leaders for speed! Limited model Veyron Super Sport has set a new speed record for serial supercars. Engine power increased to 1200 horses. Substantially changed aerodynamics car roof, which has resulted in better streamlining the body. For seed customers until released five cars in this series. However, to protect the tires, speed is electronically limited to 415 km/h.
2350000 $
top speed
431 km/h, 268 mph
engine power & torque
1200 hp, 882 kW
1500 Nm @ 2200 rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
2.2 seconds

Hennessey Venom GT 6.2 liter V8 Corvette RWD 2011
  Hennessey Venom GT   6.2 liter V8 Corvette RWD   2011
Supercar called poisonous and dangerous snakes, with him really should not lose vigilance. Hennessey Venom GT, will become a serious competitor among the well-known supercars and go on sale in quantities of 10 copies. The car has long been presented only as a concept and now this beast, embodied in the metal and carbon, based Lotus Elise and the powertrain from the Corvette ZR1. (claimed speed 438 km/h)
730000 $
top speed
400 km/h, 248 mph
engine power & torque
1200 hp, 882 kW
1493 Nm @ 3800 rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
2.45 seconds

Lotec Sirius 6 litre V12 Mercedes-Benz RWD 2003
  Lotec Sirius   6 litre V12 Mercedes-Benz RWD   2003
This car, Kurt Lotterschmid decided to have a sixteen years ago. Carbon body vykleen manually, and shestilitrovy V12 engine from Mercedes-Benz (W140). In addition to the ABS in cars have no support systems, but because of the slip, supercar ever slow to disperse hundreds.
460000 $
top speed
400 km/h, 248 mph
engine power & torque
1200 hp, 882 kW
1322 Nm @ 3400 rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
3.8 seconds

9ff Porsche 911 GT2 GTurbo 1200 4 liter boxer-6 RWD 2010
  9ff Porsche 911 GT2 GTurbo 1200   4 liter boxer-6 RWD   2010
300000 $
top speed
414 km/h, 257 mph
engine power & torque
1200 hp, 882 kW
1100 Nm @ rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
2.8 seconds

Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse 8 litre W16 AWD 2012
  3 star Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse   8 litre W16 AWD   2012
1760000 $
top speed
410 km/h, 255 mph
engine power & torque
1200 hp, 882 kW
1500 Nm @ 2000 rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
2.6 seconds

9ff Porsche 911 GT3 GTurbo 1200 3.9 litre flat 6 RWD 2012
  9ff Porsche 911 GT3 GTurbo 1200   3.9 litre flat 6 RWD   2012
290000 $
top speed
403 km/h, 250 mph
engine power & torque
1200 hp, 882 kW
1150 Nm @ 5250 rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
3.3 seconds

9ff Porsche 911 GT3 GTurbo R 3.9 litre flat 6 RWD 2011
  9ff Porsche 911 GT3 GTurbo R   3.9 litre flat 6 RWD   2011
260000 $
top speed
385 km/h, 239 mph
engine power & torque
1200 hp, 882 kW
1150 Nm @ 5800 rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
3.4 seconds

9ff Porsche 911 Turbo Cabriolet GTronic 1200 4.2 litre flat 6 AWD 2012
  9ff Porsche 911 Turbo Cabriolet GTronic 1200   4.2 litre flat 6 AWD   2012
350000 $
top speed
375 km/h, 233 mph
engine power & torque
1200 hp, 882 kW
1150 Nm @ 4700 rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
2.8 seconds

SSC Ultimate Aero TT 6.3 liter V8 AWD 2006
  SSC Ultimate Aero TT   6.3 liter V8 AWD   2006
After seven years of design, the legendary producer of supercars Shelby Super Cars (SSC) presented the car, which no equal! The car has an official status - The fastest production car in the world. Best american supercar!
770000 $
top speed
412 km/h, 256 mph
engine power & torque
1183 hp, 870 kW
1483 Nm @ 6150 rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
2.85 seconds

9ff Porsche GT9-R 4 litre F6 RWD 2009
  9ff Porsche GT9-R   4 litre F6 RWD   2009
The project is based on car Porsche 997. GT9-R - now the fastest supercar in the world! SSC broke the record at 1 mile per hour. 20 cars, GT9-R is available with three power outputs from 750 hp to an incredible 1120 hp The machines are designed not only for the straight-line sprints, but for piloting at the complex routes, such as the Nurburgring.
920000 $
top speed
413 km/h, 256 mph
engine power & torque
1120 hp, 824 kW
1050 Nm @ 6000 rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
2.88 seconds

Koenigsegg Agera R 5 liter V8 RWD 2011
  3 star Koenigsegg Agera R   5 liter V8 RWD   2011
1530000 $
top speed
420 km/h, 261 mph
engine power & torque
1115 hp, 820 kW
1200 Nm @ rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
3 seconds

Bugatti Veyron Mansory Linea Vincero 8 litre W16 AWD 2009
  3 star Bugatti Veyron Mansory Linea Vincero   8 litre W16 AWD   2009
1290000 $
top speed
407 km/h, 253 mph
engine power & torque
1109 hp, 815 kW
1310 Nm @ rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
2.5 seconds

Zenvo ST1 7 litre V8 RWD 2009
  Zenvo ST1   7 litre V8 RWD   2009
Zenvo - supercar from Denmark. The name of the car, S stands for Supercharger, T - turbo, 1 - model number one. Steel frame is integrated into the carbon-fiber body. The unique aerodynamic design. Specifications deserve the best supercar, but the designers claim that the machine will be suitable for everyday use.
3240000 $
top speed
375 km/h, 233 mph
engine power & torque
1104 hp, 812 kW
1430 Nm @ 4500 rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
3 seconds

AC Cobra Weineck 780 cui Limited Edition 12.8 litre V8 RWD 2006
  AC Cobra Weineck 780 cui Limited Edition   12.8 litre V8 RWD   2006
Not enough words to describe what happens if you want to experience the full potential of this prodigious engine. The huge volume of 13 liters, this allows Cobra, accelerate to 300 km/h. 10 seconds! Only 15 lucky people worldwide will be able to experience these feelings, is a once in life.
740000 $
top speed
300 km/h, 186 mph
engine power & torque
1100 hp, 809 kW
1760 Nm @ 5600 rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
2.42 seconds

Rimac Concept_One 4 electric motors AWD 2012
  3 star Rimac Concept_One   4 electric motors AWD   2012
590000 $
top speed
306 km/h, 190 mph
engine power & torque
1088 hp, 800 kW
1600 Nm @ rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
2.8 seconds

Porsche 911 GT2 RS Wimmer RS 3.6 litre flat 6 RWD 2012
  Porsche 911 GT2 RS Wimmer RS   3.6 litre flat 6 RWD   2012
380000 $
top speed
389 km/h, 242 mph
engine power & torque
1020 hp, 750 kW
1108 Nm @ 5680 rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
3.4 seconds

Koenigsegg CCXR Edition 4.8 litre V8 RWD 2007
  Koenigsegg CCXR Edition   4.8 litre V8 RWD   2007
Koenigsegg CCXR is the only environmentally-friendly supercar on the planet. Swedish designers make the car conform to eco-standards and work on bioethanol (E85 Bioethanol). Be environmentally friendly - does not mean to be slow and boring. Unfortunately, the presence of 1,000 horsepower engine, and at the same time pleasing environment is not cheap.
1710000 $
top speed
402 km/h, 250 mph
engine power & torque
1018 hp, 749 kW
1080 Nm @ 5600 rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
2.9 seconds

Koenigsegg CCXR Trevita 4.8 litre V8 RWD 2010
  3 star Koenigsegg CCXR Trevita   4.8 litre V8 RWD   2010
2850000 $
top speed
402 km/h, 250 mph
engine power & torque
1018 hp, 749 kW
1080 Nm @ 5600 rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
2.9 seconds

Mercedes-Benz SL 65 AMG Black Series - MKB P 1000 6 liter V12 RWD 2011
  Mercedes-Benz SL 65 AMG Black Series - MKB P 1000   6 liter V12 RWD   2011
According to statements engineers tuning company MKB, technically projected speed of the machine 370 km / h. Extras acceleration 0-100 km / h: 3.6 seconds, 0-200 km / h: 8.9 seconds, 0-300 km / h: 21.5 seconds. Passage of a quarter of a mile: 11.1 seconds. Note that only the refinement of the engine is worth 117.000 euros.
470000 $
top speed
345 km/h, 214 mph
engine power & torque
1015 hp, 746 kW
1300 Nm @ 3300 rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
3.6 seconds

Cadillac Sixteen Concept 13,6 litre V16 RWD 2003
  2 star Cadillac Sixteen Concept   13,6 litre V16 RWD   2003
1180000 $
top speed
260 km/h, 161 mph
engine power & torque
1014 hp, 746 kW
1355 Nm @ rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
4 seconds

Bristol Fighter T 8 litre V10 Viper RWD 2007
  Bristol Fighter T   8 litre V10 Viper RWD   2007
English manufacturer of luxury cars, Bristol, with its new model, entered the club of a thousand strong supercar. With under a huge hood, Dodge Viper engine with Twin Turbo, the car has an impressive torque. The motor runs at lower revs to protect the transmission.
480000 $
top speed
362 km/h, 225 mph
engine power & torque
1012 hp, 744 kW
1405 Nm @ 4500 rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
3.52 seconds

Bugatti Veyron 16.4 8 litre W16 AWD 2005
  3 star Bugatti Veyron 16.4   8 litre W16 AWD   2005
Greatest supercar of all time, named after French racing driver Pierre Veyron, who won the 24 Hours of Le Mans in 1939, the Bugatti racing car. Two hundred cars were built from 2005 to 2008, they were different versions: Veyron 16.4, Pur Sang, Hermes Edition, Sang Noir, Targa, Vincero, and Bleu Centenaire.
1500000 $
top speed
407 km/h, 253 mph
engine power & torque
1001 hp, 736 kW
1250 Nm @ 2200 rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
2.46 seconds

Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Grand Sport 8 litre W16 AWD 2008
  3 star Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Grand Sport   8 litre W16 AWD   2008
1120000 $
top speed
407 km/h, 253 mph
engine power & torque
1001 hp, 736 kW
1250 Nm @ 2200 rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
2.7 seconds

Hennessey Venom 1000 Twin Turbo 8 litre V10 RWD 2007
  Hennessey Venom 1000 Twin Turbo   8 litre V10 RWD   2007
The basis took Viper SRT-10 and a set of Venom 1000 Twin Turbo Engine Upgrade, eventually emerged the fastest and most powerful modified low-volume car in the world. Huge 8-liter V10 completely redesigned and equipped with dual turbochargers, dual Intercooler and upgraded exhaust.
290000 $
top speed
411 km/h, 255 mph
engine power & torque
1000 hp, 735 kW
1100 Nm @ 3800 rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
3.32 seconds

Koenig Ferrari Testarossa 5 litre V12 RWD 1991
  Koenig Ferrari Testarossa   5 litre V12 RWD   1991
Koenig makes two versions of their twin-turbo kit for Testarossas and this particular Ferrari sports the high-end version of the normal twin-turbo with a complete new motronic, new turbo chargers, bigger coolers and many more modifications including reinforced gear wheels, clutch shaft, all gear shafts, modified oil-pump, and a bigger oil cooler.
400000 $
top speed
370 km/h, 230 mph
engine power & torque
1000 hp, 735 kW
940 Nm @ rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
3.4 seconds

Lotec C1000 Mercedes-Benz 5.5 litre V8 Mercedes-Benz RWD 1995
  Lotec C1000 Mercedes-Benz   5.5 litre V8 Mercedes-Benz RWD   1995
2000000 $
top speed
405 km/h, 252 mph
engine power & torque
1000 hp, 735 kW
980 Nm @ 3800 rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
3.2 seconds

Ford Mustang Shelby 1000 5.4 litre V8 RWD 2012
  3 star Ford Mustang Shelby 1000   5.4 litre V8 RWD   2012
260000 $
top speed
350 km/h, 217 mph
engine power & torque
1000 hp, 735 kW
1016 Nm @ 4500 rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
3.5 seconds

Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren 999 Red Gold Dream Ueli Anliker 5.4 liter V8 RWD 2011
  Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren 999 Red Gold Dream Ueli Anliker   5.4 liter V8 RWD   2011
5880000 $
top speed
340 km/h, 211 mph
engine power & torque
999 hp, 735 kW
1200 Nm @ 3500 rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
3 seconds

9ff Porsche 911 GT3 RS GTurbo 1000  3.8 litre F6 RWD 2010
  9ff Porsche 911 GT3 RS GTurbo 1000   3.8 litre F6 RWD   2010
260000 $
top speed
360 km/h, 224 mph
engine power & torque
950 hp, 699 kW
910 Nm @ rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
2.9 seconds

Ferrari Enzo ZXX Edo Competition ZR Exotics 6.3 litre V12 RWD 2012
  Ferrari Enzo ZXX Edo Competition ZR Exotics   6.3 litre V12 RWD   2012
1320000 $
top speed
395 km/h, 245 mph
engine power & torque
950 hp, 699 kW
910 Nm @ 5800 rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
3.1 seconds

9ff Porsche 911 Turbo TRC 91 4 liter F6 AWD 2007
  9ff Porsche 911 Turbo TRC 91   4 liter F6 AWD   2007
Right, it must be a Porsche. But not just an ordinary one, no, it is the new Porsche 911 Turbo TRC 91 created by Nardo God 9ff. The artists from Dortmund turned the already extremely sporty bolide into one of the fastest and most powerful street-legal sports cars around the globe.
380000 $
top speed
392 km/h, 243 mph
engine power & torque
910 hp, 669 kW
910 Nm @ rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
3.1 seconds

Koenigsegg Agera 4.7 liter V8 AWD 2010
  3 star Koenigsegg Agera   4.7 liter V8 AWD   2010
The Agera was built to celebrate the company’s 15th anniversary. Called Agera (that means - to act in Swedish or - ageless in Greek), the new supercar will be limited at 16-20 cars per year. The Agera features the latest in braking technology, incorporating an adjustable ABS system, 392x36 and 380x34 ventilated and drilled ceramic discs. Also a first in the automotive industry is the interior illumination: Ghost light.
1470000 $
top speed
400 km/h, 248 mph
engine power & torque
910 hp, 669 kW
1100 Nm @ 5100 rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
3.1 seconds

Dodge Viper SRT10 Heffner Twin Turbo 8.3 litre V10 RWD 2004
  Dodge Viper SRT10 Heffner Twin Turbo   8.3 litre V10 RWD   2004
210000 $
top speed
350 km/h, 217 mph
engine power & torque
902 hp, 663 kW
1296 Nm @ rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
2.6 seconds

Weber Sportscars Faster One 7 liter V8 Corvette AWD 2008
  Weber Sportscars Faster One   7 liter V8 Corvette AWD   2008
Legendary Swiss precision is no longer limited to creating the most prestigious chronographs in the world. Using a unique combination of high technology and uncompromising innovative design aimed at achieving maximum aerodynamic efficiency and directional stability at high speeds. Supercar is completely made of ultralight carbon fiber.
1310000 $
top speed
400 km/h, 248 mph
engine power & torque
900 hp, 662 kW
1050 Nm @ 3800 rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
2.5 seconds

9ff Porsche Carrera GT GT-T900  5.7 litre V10 RWD 2008
  9ff Porsche Carrera GT GT-T900   5.7 litre V10 RWD   2008
590000 $
top speed
380 km/h, 236 mph
engine power & torque
900 hp, 662 kW
937 Nm @ 6900 rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
3.2 seconds

Lamborghini Aventador LP900-4 Molto Veloce DMC 6.5 liter V12 AWD 2012
  3 star Lamborghini Aventador LP900-4 Molto Veloce DMC   6.5 liter V12 AWD   2012
500000 $
top speed
360 km/h, 224 mph
engine power & torque
900 hp, 662 kW
950 Nm @ 6000 rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
2.5 seconds

Koenigsegg CCR Evolution Edo Competition 4.7 litre V8 RWD 2011
  3 star Koenigsegg CCR Evolution Edo Competition   4.7 litre V8 RWD   2011
670000 $
top speed
390 km/h, 242 mph
engine power & torque
891 hp, 655 kW
1018 Nm @ rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
3.2 seconds

Ferrari  599 GTO Novitec Rosso 6 liter V12 RWD 2011
  2 star Ferrari 599 GTO Novitec Rosso   6 liter V12 RWD   2011
520000 $
top speed
340 km/h, 211 mph
engine power & torque
888 hp, 653 kW
862 Nm @ 6500 rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
3.2 seconds

Ferrari 599 SA Aperta Novitec Rosso 6 liter V12 RWD 2012
  2 star Ferrari 599 SA Aperta Novitec Rosso   6 liter V12 RWD   2012
440000 $
top speed
340 km/h, 211 mph
engine power & torque
888 hp, 653 kW
862 Nm @ 6600 rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
3.1 seconds

TVR Cerbera Speed 12 7.7 litre V12 RWD 2000
  TVR Cerbera Speed 12   7.7 litre V12 RWD   2000
With the highest power to weight 917 bhp/tonne. and the statement of the company management TVR - to kill outright McLaren, this flagship car coped perfectly well and, at the same time became the most powerful in the world, thanks to a special Aerodesign and a huge 7.7 liter V12. Mass production supercars did not materialize, but a few road cars made.
320000 $
top speed
386 km/h, 240 mph
engine power & torque
880 hp, 647 kW
881 Nm @ 5750 rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
3.31 seconds

Gumpert Apollo R 4.2 liter V8 RWD 2012
  Gumpert Apollo R   4.2 liter V8 RWD   2012
380000 $
top speed
308 km/h, 191 mph
engine power & torque
860 hp, 632 kW
980 Nm @ 4000 rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
2.9 seconds

M-Racing Larea GT1 S9 7.2 litre V8 RWD 2010
  M-Racing Larea GT1 S9   7.2 litre V8 RWD   2010
280000 $
top speed
392 km/h, 243 mph
engine power & torque
860 hp, 632 kW
1380 Nm @ 4500 rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
2.5 seconds

9ff Porsche 997 BT-2 3.6 liter boxer-6 RWD 2009
  9ff Porsche 997 BT-2   3.6 liter boxer-6 RWD   2009
420000 $
top speed
386 km/h, 240 mph
engine power & torque
850 hp, 625 kW
920 Nm @ rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
3 seconds

Porsche 911 Turbo Gemballa Avalanche GTR 800 EVO-R 3.8 litre F6 AWD 2008
  Porsche 911 Turbo Gemballa Avalanche GTR 800 EVO-R   3.8 litre F6 AWD   2008
500000 $
top speed
335 km/h, 208 mph
engine power & torque
850 hp, 625 kW
935 Nm @ 2000 rpm
0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph.
3.1 seconds

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