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Monday, October 29, 2012

Playmood : Aplikasi iPhone yang Memilihkan Lagu Sesuai Mood

Mendengarkan sebuah lagu biasanya bergantung dengan suasana hati atau mood. Kalau hati sedang bahagia, maka lagu yang kerap didengarkan tentu saja adalah lagu dengan nuansa gembira. Berbeda ketika kamu tengah galau atau sedang stress, maka lagu yang biasa diputar pun biasanya adalah lagu dengan nuansa yang sedih dan mellow.
Pada platform iOS, kamu bisa menemukan sebuah aplikasi yang bisa mendeteksi kondisi mood kamu. Lalu selanjutnya, aplikasi tersebut akan secara otomatis memilihkan lagu-lagu yang sesuai dengan kondisi suasana hati yang sedang kamu alami. Aplikasi tersebut adalah aplikasi yang bernama PlayMood.

Playmood Aplikasi iPhone yang Memilihkan Lagu Sesuai Mood

PlayMood ini bisa digunakan di iPod Touch ataupun iPhone. Selanjutnya, kamu bisa menggunakan kamera depan untuk mendeteksi mood yang sedang kamu rasakan. Tentunya kamu harus benar-benar mengekspresikan kondisi mood agar aplikasi ini bisa berjalan sesuai dengan yang diinginkan.
Selain bisa menggunakan kamera depan pada iPod Touch dan iPhone, aplikasi ini juga bisa di gunakan dengan memakai kamera webcam yang ada pada komputer Mac ataupun Windows. Untuk melakukan hal ini, kamu membutuhkan aplikasi tambahan, yakni PlayMood Remote.

Playmood Aplikasi iPhone yang Memilihkan Lagu Sesuai Mood
Playmood Remote

Setelah aplikasi ini berhasil mendeteksi kondisi mood, selanjutnya PlayMood akan memilih lagu dari library iTunesyang kamu miliki, yang perlu diperhatikan adalah, meskipun kamu menggunakan komputer Windows ataupun Mac untuk mendeteksi mood dari wajah, lagu yang dimainkan tetap berasal dari iPhone atau iPod Touch.
Aplikasi ini kemungkinan akan cukup sulit dalam melakukan pendeteksian mood dari wajah. Aplikasi ini akan cenderung mampu mendeteksi mood normal dan mood sedih lebih baik dibandingkan mood bahagia.
Kabar baiknya, aplikasi ini tersedia secara gratis. kamu bisa mengunduh aplikasi tersebut melalui tautan yang ada di bawah ini.

Apakah kamu penasaran ingin mencoba, silahkan langsung saja di unduh aplikasinya bagi kamu para pengguna iPhone dan iPod touch. PG ucapkan selamat mengunduh dan selamat mendengarkan musik favorit kamu. :D

Armored Core 3 Portable | PSP GAME

Armored Core 3 Portable

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inilah Performa Windows 8 Saat Dibandingkan dengan Windows 7

inilah Performa Windows 8 Saat Dibandingkan dengan Windows 7

Windows 8 sudah dirilis, dan Windows 7 masih menjadi primadona. Mungkin kamu bertanya-tanya, seperti apa sih performa Windows 8 dibandingkan dengan Windows 7? Lebih “ngebut” atau malah lebih “lelet”? Atau mungkin malah sama saja?
Arstechnica telah melakukan berbagai pengujian, dan hasilnya adalah seperti ini.

Specs Komputer

Di pengujian ini ada 5 jenis PC dengan spesifikasi yang berbeda, yaitu:
Inilah Performa Windows 8 Saat Dibandingkan dengan Windows 7
Sistem operasi
OS yang dibandingkan adalah Windows 7 64-bit dan Windows 8

Performa umum

Waktu Booting

Windows 8 diklaim memiliki waktu booting yang cepat karena memanfaatkan teknologi hibernate Windows 7. OS tersebut akan menyimpan proses inti di memory, kemudian meloadnya kembali saat dinyalakan. Ketika di test, memang waktu booting Windows 8 jauh lebih cepat dari Windows 7.
Inilah Performa Windows 8 Saat Dibandingkan dengan Windows 7
Di grafik diatas terlihat bahwa waktu booting Windows 8 lebih cepat dari Windows 7 di hampir semua komputer uji.

Benchmark Sintetik

Pengujian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui performa sistem secara keseluruhan. Benchmark dilakukan dengan Futuremark PCMark 7. Disini dilakukan uji CPU, GPU, dan media penyimpanan untuk mengetahui performa OS tersebut saat digunakan bekerja, misalnya saja untuk manipulasi gambar dan video.
Inilah Performa Windows 8 Saat Dibandingkan dengan Windows 7
Hasilnya, kedua OS tersebut memiliki performa yang tidak jauh berbeda, walaupun di dekstop Mini ITX terlihat Windows 8 sedikit lebih baik performanya.

Kecepatan copy file di USB 3.0

Di pengujian ini dilakukan copy dan paste folder sebesar 40GB. Di file tersebut berisi file besar seperi ISO dan Video, serta file-file kecil seperti gambar dan musik.
Inilah Performa Windows 8 Saat Dibandingkan dengan Windows 7
Inilah Performa Windows 8 Saat Dibandingkan dengan Windows 7
Hasilnya, Windows 8 sedikit lebih cepat daripada Windows 7 dalam proses copy meng-copy. Kecuali di proses pembacaan Mini ITX, terlihat Windows 7 sedikit lebih unggul.

Kecepatan copy file di USB 2.0

Inilah Performa Windows 8 Saat Dibandingkan dengan Windows 7
Pengujian ini sama dengan pengujian diatas, hanya saja port yang digunakan adalah USB 2.0.
Hasilnya, Windows 7 dan Windows 8 cukup berimbang.

Performa Browser

Windows 8 hadir dengan Internet Explorer 10. Di pengujian ini IE10 Windows 8 akan ditandingkan dengan IE9, Chrome, dan Firefox.
Inilah Performa Windows 8 Saat Dibandingkan dengan Windows 7
Inilah Performa Windows 8 Saat Dibandingkan dengan Windows 7
Inilah Performa Windows 8 Saat Dibandingkan dengan Windows 7
Hasilnya, browser IE 10 di Windows 8 memiliki performa yang paling bagus.

Performa gaming

Inilah benchmark yang paling ditunggu-tunggu oleh para gamer. Di pengujian ini digunakan berbagai tools benchmark populer untuk mengetahui performa Windows 8 untuk gaming.
Inilah Performa Windows 8 Saat Dibandingkan dengan Windows 7
Inilah Performa Windows 8 Saat Dibandingkan dengan Windows 7
Inilah Performa Windows 8 Saat Dibandingkan dengan Windows 7
Inilah Performa Windows 8 Saat Dibandingkan dengan Windows 7
Hasilnya, Windows 8 dan Windows 7 cenderung memiliki performa gaming yang sama


Dari berbagai pengujian diatas, Windows 8 sangat unggul di area browsing experience..tetapi bisa dibilang seri untuk performa lainnya.
Apakah masih ingin upgrade ke Windows 8?


Info-Mass Effect 3-RELOADED| Publisher: Electronic Arts Inc. | Developer: BioWare Corporation | Genre: Action-RPG | Platform: PC | Size: 13 GB | Release Date: 3/ 2012

Only you can determine how events will play out, which planets you will save from annihilation and which alliances you will form or abandon as you rally the forces of the galaxy to eliminate the Reaper threat once and for all.

Battle with your comrades or even your own friends in this all-out galactic war to take Earth back. With co-op online multiplayer missions new to the Mass Effect universe , you can choose from a variety of classes and races, form an elite Special Forces squad, and combine weapons, powers and abilities to devastating effect as you all fight together to liberate key territories from enemy control in this third entry of the epic intergalactic RPG franchise.

Not everyone will survive. An ancient race known only as “Reapers”, has launched an all-out invasion leaving nothing but a trail of destruction in their wake. Earth Has been taken, the galaxy is on the verge of total annihilation, and you are the only one who can stop them. The price of failure is extinction.You are Commander Shephard, a character that you can forge in your own image.

You determine how events will play out, which planets to explore, and whom to form alliances with as you rally a force to eliminate the Reaper threat once and for all. How you wage this war is completely up to you: go into combat with guns blazing or use cover to plan a more tactical assault. Utilise your squad to full effect or take a lone wolf approach. Rain death from a distance or go toe-to-toe with enemies using devastating melee attacks. Mass Effect 3 will react to each decision you make as you play through a truly unique experience of your own creation.

A rich, branding storyline: Experience a sci-fi epic with multiple endings determined by your choices and actions throughout the game.
Massive in scope: Battle on many worlds across the galaxy as you unite the ultimate force to take back Earth before it’s too late.
Large-scale and intelligent enemies: Battle enormous enemies and take on a smarter type of foe that will consistently challenge your best combat tactics and put you on the edge of your seat.
Unlock customisable arsenal: Tailor each weapon with devastating upgrades including scopes, barrels and dozens of other unique attachments. Each weapon boasts its own powerful impact and visual flair.
Unleash death from afar or go toe-to-toe: Customise your soldier and squad to engage the enemy on your own terms. A huge variety of weapons, abilities and equipment allow you to combat the enemy in your preferred style of play.

Minimum System Requirements
* OS: Windows XP SP3, Vista or Windows 7
* CPU: 1.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (equivalent AMD CPU)
* RAM: 1GB for XP / 2GB RAM for Vista/Win 7
* HDD: 15 GB free disk space
* Graphics: 256 MB graphics memory
* Sound Card: DirectX 9.0 Compatible
* DirectX: Version 9.0c

Mass Effect 3 (2012)Mass Effect 3 (2012)Mass Effect 3 (2012)Mass Effect 3 (2012)
Mass Effect 3 (2012)

Mediafire Download Links-

size: 8.2 gb
size: 5.6 gb

Mediafire Password-

How to Download???

1. Click on the download links
2. Wait for few seconds and then click on

Call of Duty: Black Ops (2010)PC Game [Mediafire]

Call of Duty: Black Ops is a first-person shooter video game developed by Treyarch, published by Activision and due for release on November 9, 2010 for Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, and Nintendo DS (separate version developed by n-Space) consoles. Officially announced on April 30, 2010, the game is the seventh installment of the Call of Duty series and the third game in the series to be developed by Treyarch. It is a sequel to the developer's previous title in the series, Call of Duty: World at War. It is the first Call of Duty title set during the Cold War era.

Black Ops is a first-person shooter. The player assumes the role of a foot soldier and thus has access to various firearms, of which two at a time can be carried, as well as explosives such as grenades and other equipment to fight enemies. When players are close enough to an enemy, they can perform a melee attack which ensures a one-hit-kill.
A character can be positioned in one of the three stances: standing, crouching, or prone; each affecting the character's rate of movement, accuracy, and stealth. The player can directly dive prone from a standing position. The player can momentarily run faster before getting tired. When the character has taken damage, the screen glows red. Health regenerates by avoiding damage. When the character is within the blast radius of a live grenade, a marker indicates the direction of the grenade, helping the player to either flee or throw it back. The game features a variety weapons such as crossbows (with alternative explosive ammunition), Dragon's Breath rounds and ballistic knives.

Call of Duty: Black Ops takes place during the Cold War. The player mainly controls two characters: Alex Mason and Jason Hudson who are Studies and Observations Group operatives on missions behind enemy lines, in locations such as the Ural Mountains, Laos, Cuba, and Vietnam. Cuban leader "Fidel Castro" will play a crucial role in the single player campaign. One of the characters from the Soviet campaign of World at War, Viktor Reznov, will return as Alex Mason's comrade.

Minimum System Requirements

* OS: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7
* CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E4300 @ 1.80 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 4000+ @ 2.0 GHz
* RAM: 1 GB XP , 2 GB for Vista, 7
* HDD: 8 GB free disk space
* Graphics: 256 MB Graphics Memory
* Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible
* DirectX: Version 9.0c

Call of Duty Black Ops (2010) pc Download
Call of Duty Black Ops (2010) pc DownloadCall of Duty Black Ops (2010) pc Download
Call of Duty Black Ops (2010) pc Download
Call of Duty Black Ops(2010) pc Download

Mediafire Download Links-

Download Now
size: 7.8 gb

Unrar Password-

Cramit Single Link-

Download Now
size: 7.6 GB

How to Download???

1. Click on the download links
2. Wait for few seconds and then click on


Developer: Crytek
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Genre: First-person shooter

Whether played in 3D or standard 2D, Crysis 2 drops players into a devastated New York in the midst of an attack by a frightening alien species. The alien enemies are armed with deadly weaponry and exceptional sensory abilities that test players’ skill and push them to the limit. These terrifying invaders stalk the streets of New York, leaving the streets in chaos and the skyline in flaming ruin.
Surrounded by catastrophic destruction, players harness the superhuman abilities of the Nanosuit to level the playing field, becoming the ultimate weapon on a mission to save New York.

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2Ghz, AMD Athlon 64 x2 2Ghz or better
GPU: NVidia 8800GT 512Mb, ATI 3850 512Mb or better
DX: 9
Shader: 3.0
OS: Windows XP
Frame Rate Target: 20fps@1024x768

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.66Ghz, AMD Athlon 64 x2 2.66Ghz or better
GPU: NVidia GTX280 1GB, ATI 4870 1GB or better
DX: 9
Shader: 3.0
OS: Windows XP
Frame Rate Target: 30fps@1650x1080


Saturday, October 20, 2012

Cara agar posting blog masuk ke fans page secara otomatis

Cara agar posting blog masuk ke fans page secara otomatis

fans page
Cara agar posting blog masuk ke fans page secara otomatis.. bagi yang tidak tau cara mudahnya mungkin akan melakukan dengan cara manual yaitu dengan cara mengcopy url dan mempastekan di fans page.
Berikut cara-caranya:
  1. Login ke Facebook / Fanspage teman.
  2. Buka https://apps.facebook.com/rssgraffiti
  3. Setelah mengizinkan fb kita mengakses rss graffiti, lalu buka http://beta.rssgraffiti.com/
  4. Pilih Add New Publishing Plan.
  5. Beri Nama publishing plan bebas. lebih baik  gunakan nama blognya.
  6. Setelah itu klik tulisan ” add new “.
  7. Lalu masukan url blog di ” enter url or twitter shortcut .
  8. Klik ” Add Source “.
  9. Jika ingin mengedit setting target fb silahkan edit target.
  10. Jika semua sudah selesai lalu klik ” off “ untuk menghidupkan rss graffiti dan pastikan berubah menjadi ” on “.
nah mudah kan semoga artikel ini bermanfaat…:)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Xcom Enemy Unknown PC Game

Xcom Enemy Unknown
Xcom Enemy Unknown PC Game
XCOM: Enemy Unknown will place you in control of a secret paramilitary organization called XCOM. As the XCOM commander, you will defend against a terrifying global alien invasion by managing resources, advancing technologies, and overseeing combat strategies and individual unit tactics.
The original X-COM is widely regarded as one of the best games ever made and has now been re-imagined by the strategy experts at Firaxis Games. XCOM: Enemy Unknown will expand on that legacy with an entirely new invasion story, enemies and technologies to fight aliens and defend Earth. You will control the fate of the human race through researching alien technologies, creating and managing a fully operational base, planning combat missions and controlling soldier movement in battle.
* Strategy Evolved: XCOM: Enemy Unknown couples tactical
   turn-based gameplay with incredible action sequences
   and on-the-ground combat.
* Strategic Base: Recruit, customize and grow unique soldiers
   and manage your personnel. Detect and intercept the alien
   threat as you build and expand your XCOM headquarters.
* Tactical Combat: Direct soldier squads in turn-based ground
   battles and deploy air units such as the Interceptor
   and Skyranger.
* Worldwide Threat: Combat spans the globe as the XCOM team engages
   in over 70 unique missions, interacting and negotiating with
   governments around the world.
Installation Notes:
* Burn or mount
* Install the game
* Play the game
Xcom Enemy Unknown

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