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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Top 10 Awesome Things You Can Do With the Underused Gadgets You Already Own

If you're a fan of technology, chances are you've retired a few gadgets over the years and they're sitting in a box in your closet. Today's the day to dig out your leftovers and start thinking about what you can do to let them live and breathe again. Here are ten of our favorite ideas to get you started.

10. Repurpose Your Old Computer in Many, Many Ways

Top 10 Awesome Things You Can Do With the Underused Gadgets You Already OwnRepurposing an old computer is awesome but it's obvious, so let's get this one out of the way first. There is so much you can do. Laptops can become tablets, desktops can become powerful storage devices, and much more. Old computers are just slow computers with an outdated selection of ports, less storage and RAM, and generally paltry graphics cards. All you need is something else that has those minimal requirements and there's plenty you can do. Web servers, media centers, retro arcades, a kitchen computer that can get a little messy because it's old and you don't care,

9. Create Audio-Visual Mixes for Parties with a Digital Photo/Media Frame

Top 10 Awesome Things You Can Do With the Underused Gadgets You Already OwnThe digital photo frame is something we've all gotten as a gift or bought with hopes that it was going to take us into the future of photo displaying. In the end, I think most of us feel like we were sold storage box filler. If you actually use a digital picture frame, you get the added bonus of paying more money for it for the rest of time. These things draw a reasonably large amount of power for something nobody is looking at most of the time, especially considering their analog predecessors—you know, normal picture frames—don't have that downside and can still display whatever photo you want. I could go on complaining about the downsides of spending tens of dollars on one of these basically pointless devices, but let's not and focus on the positive instead.
You don't want to be running your digital picture frame 24/7 (unless you love paying for wasted energy), so your best bet is to start looking at the thing as a device for specific events. Instead of loading it up with photos, stock your frame's internal storage (or SD card) with art that you like. If it can play video, put music videos on it or just find some awesome motion graphics on Vimeo (that's what I did). Hook it up during a party and you've got something cool to display (instead of photos of your tame vacation to Southern Florida). If it handles audio, too, hook up some speakers and you'll essentially have an audio-visual party mix.

8. Make a Clock, Smartphone Stand, or Laser Show with a Dead Hard Drive

Top 10 Awesome Things You Can Do With the Underused Gadgets You Already OwnWhat can you do with a dead hard drive? A lot, apparently. For example, you can turn it into a laser light show projector, make a steampunk clock, or turn it into a smartphone stand. Hard drives, even when dead, always seem like such a substantial thing to throw away. Instead, just make something cool and let it's spirit live on against the wall, on your desk, and in your heart.

7. Lose an Old Laptop, Gain a Second Monitor

Top 10 Awesome Things You Can Do With the Underused Gadgets You Already OwnYeah, yeah, we've technically looked at things you can do with an old computer but those were all things that didn't involve taking them apart and actually turning them into new things. If you've got an old laptop that you never use but wouldn't mind having a second display for your desktop computer (or newer laptop), you're in luck! This Instructables post will teach you how to take your laptop apart and make the display usable with another computer. You could even use the bottom half of your laptop to do any of the old computer uses we mentioned earlier. It's a win-win.

6. Create the Best Keychain Ever with Old Cables

Top 10 Awesome Things You Can Do With the Underused Gadgets You Already OwnWhile old cables are nice to have around in case you need them someday, there isn't much you can do to repurpose them into something better. Nonetheless, there is one really awesome option: the Ethernet cable keychain. (See the photo to the right if you're not sure why this is so awesome). Technically you could do this with other types of cables, but Ethernet has the distinct advantage of being both thick and locking into its port. Other cables might not hold the weight of your keys or stay in quite as well.

5. Turn Your Nintendo Entertainment System, Controllers, and Games into Several Awesome New Gadgets

Top 10 Awesome Things You Can Do With the Underused Gadgets You Already OwnThe Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) will live on forever as so many different items. You can turn it into a DVD player, make a game cartridge a wireless router, repurpose a controller as an MP3 player or remote control. If you're not ready to part with your NES, you can also just give it an upgrade and, therefore, a bit more life. Just don't let it go to waste.

4. Use Those Unused Ports on Your TV to Charge Your Phone, Set up a Security Camera, and More!

Top 10 Awesome Things You Can Do With the Underused Gadgets You Already OwnThe ports on the back of your TV are often under-appreciated. Most of us plug in an HDMI box or two and call it a day, but the old school ports (and even some newer ones) let you do all sorts of neat things. The service USB port on most flatscreens is one of the most fun, allowing you to power all sorts of USB devices. This means you can plug in backlighting, or charge your smartphone or game controller. Video out ports can output what's on your television to another monitor or device so you can view from multiple locations or record what you're watching. A port or two on your television can probably host live video input from a camera you own, which can work as a makeshift security monitor or even a fun display at a party. For a whole bunch of ideas, and a primer on all the ports you've got, check out this post.

3. Turn Your Router into a Wireless Radio

Although I've been with the same router for four years now (aww), before I decided to settle down with my DD-WRT-ed LinkSys 310N I went through routers like toilet paper. If I hadn't given them all new homes before learning I could turn one of them into a wireless radio, I'd have done that in a heartbeat. Although this is one of the more complex DIY projects you can take on, it's also one of the coolest. Just check out the video to the left to learn how it's done. It's definitely a weekend project, but when you're done you'll have a wireless radio for the price of a router you weren't even using. (Pssst! If that's not your style, try this bonus option: turn your router into a home automation server.

2. Use a Mobile Device as a Dedicated VOIP Phone

Top 10 Awesome Things You Can Do With the Underused Gadgets You Already OwniPod touches make great iPhones when you add Skype, or any other VOIP service, to their array of apps, but any old device will do. Even if you've got a tablet you're not using anymore it can make a great phone (if you add a headset). Just keep it around the house and you've got a great makeshift home phone line (especially when you get Google Voice involved). Tablets also make great video conferencing devices (assuming they're sporting cameras). If you'd rather not sell yours because it isn't worth much anymore, use it solely for communication. It's remarkably helpful if you don't get great (or any) cellular service in your home.

1. Upgrade Your Crappy Headphones

Top 10 Awesome Things You Can Do With the Underused Gadgets You Already OwnWhen you're spending under $50 on headphones you're generally not going to get the greatest pair, but there is a lot you can do to make them worth far more than their price tag. Replacing the drivers yourself can net you audiophile-level sound on the cheap. You can also splice them with a headset to give them a few extra superpowers or even turn them into a noise-isolating headset (in some cases). If you've got a crappy pair and some time, these upgrades will give you a better sound and features without the associated cost.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Top 10 Strategies for Making Your New Year’s Resolution Stick

2013 is on the horizon, and most of us are scrambling to make up a few New Year's resolutions that, frankly, we'll probably forget about in February. Here's how to create a resolution that actually sticks so you can better yourself this year.

10. Focus on One Resolution

One of the first mistakes people make is planning too many resolutions. The fewer things your brain has to deal with, the better, and you'll be able to focus all your motivation on one resolution, increasing the chances you'll succeed. Need ideas? Check out our top 10 easy-to-keep resolutions, or go for one of the five most popular resolutions and follow our guide to ensuring its success.

9. Get Someone to Hold You Accountable

Having an "accountability buddy" is an old, yet tried-and-true tip for sticking to your resolutions. Tell your goals to a few close family and friends who will be honest with you and keep you on the right track. Heck, if you're having trouble thinking of a good resolution, those buddies can actually help you pick one, too (since they know you best, faults and all). Don't go too overboard, though. Remember, sometimes sharing with too many people can hinder your accomplishments. Photo by Lululemon Athletica.

8. Set Ultra-Specific Goals

Top 10 Strategies for Making Your New Year's Resolution StickNew Year's resolutions are often big and general, making them hard to attain. The more specific you can be, the easier it will be to reach that goal. "Lose weight" or "get in shape" is a bad resolution; "Lose 15 pounds by March" is a good one. Setting multiple specific goals throughout the year is good, too. That way, you always have something attainable to focus on that doesn't seem far off. Photo by Rob Ellis.

7. Piggyback Your Resolution with Existing Habits

If your resolution involves building small habits—like, say, flossing every day or taking daily vitamins—you can "piggyback" these habits with other, already-established ones. Stick your dental floss in your shower and floss during your shower, or put your vitamin jar inside your kitchen cupboard so you always remember to take them when you eat breakfast. The easier you can form the habit, the more likely it is to stick.

6. Give Yourself a Trial Run

Not every resolution is perfect out of the gate, so don't hold yourself to a poorly-formed goal if it just won't work. Give yourself a 30-day trial run to work out the kinks, where you can let yourself stumble a bit and tweak your goals to something better suited for success. Keep in mind that not all habits are formed in 21 days, as conventional wisdom says, so even after the trial run, give yourself time to sink into the habit before you start admitting defeat. Photo by John Kwan (Shutterstock).

5. Trick Your Mind

Resolutions are hard to keep without a sense of accomplishment. Having specific, gradual goals can help, but another trick is to play some mind games with yourself. The placebo effect can be pretty useful in keeping you motivated, even if you know you're using it on yourself. Focus on anything that makes you feel like you're succeeding. If you're trying to lose weight, eating from smaller plates will make you "feel" fuller, even if you're eating the same amount of food, for example. Do whatever you need to do to trick your mind and you'll be well on your way to success. Photo by mattza.

4. Visualize the End Result

As writer Rod Ebrahimi says, "focus on the carrot, not the stick". If you're having trouble staying motivated, focus on what you'll get from your end goal—whether that's feeling better at a lower weight, being able to impress your friends with your new guitar skills, or just being able to breathe now that you've quit smoking. Staying positive seems like common sense, but it can be hard when you're in the middle of a big plateau. Photo by Davidd.

3. Closely Measure Your Progress

Top 10 Strategies for Making Your New Year's Resolution StickIf you've created specific goals, then getting positive reinforcement should be easy. Every time your each one of those goals—even if it's just a daily goal—mark it off on a checklist or calendar. You can even go a step further and use Seinfeld's "Don't Break the Chain" method of goal-setting, which is great for daily goals like "write every day" or "exercise 5 times a week." For other resolutions, try out one of our five favorite goal-tracking services to measure your progress.

2. Remind Yourself of Your Goals Every Day

Top 10 Strategies for Making Your New Year's Resolution StickIf you're having trouble keeping your goals at the forefront of your mind, you can use one of any number of tricks to constantly remind yourself (besides tracking your progress). Set an alarm on your phone with a message of why you're doing this, record yourself on a webcam every day, or use dry erase markers to write your goals on your bathroom mirror.

1. Start Right Now

Why wait until New Year's Day? Whether you're reading this at the end of December or in the middle of July, start right now—even with small changes to prepare you for the big push—and you'll be one step closer to achieving your goals. There's no reason your goals need to start on January 1st, so call up those accountability buddies, jot down your milestones, and get started with that resolution right now.

The 12 Best Games on Xbox 360

You have an Xbox 360 controller waiting for you in your living room and a console hungry to entertain you. Sure, you can stream video to it and browse Facebook, too, but you brought this thing into your home for games. Which ones should you dive into? The dozen titles below should scratch your itches for all sorts of experiences. Remember: pace yourself.
Update 11/13/12:
As promised, we're swapping out older good games from new good games. Goodbye, Lego Star Wars III and Toy Soldiers: Cold War; hello, XCOM and Dishonored.
Note: 12/28/12: We're bumping up this list of Xbox 360 Bests for those folks who may have just gotten an Xbox 360 during this holiday season. Some great games have come out for the system since the last update—like Far Cry 3, Halo 4 and Call of Duty: Black Ops II. Kotaku's editorial team considered these games but couldn't reach a consensus as to whether they deserve a spot just yet. We're keeping our eyes and minds open as new releases keep hitting Microsoft's platform.

The 12 Best Games on Xbox 360

Assassin's Creed II

For the second trip down Desmond Miles' DNA helix, Ubisoft Montreal introduced Ezio Auditore and gave players more options for mayhem in the urban centers of the Italian Renaissance. You can hire courtesans to distract guards or use mercenaries to do the dirty work for you. The swordplay showed increased flexibility and depth, too, with more weapons and tactics than before. Underneath it all, the game's virtual Italy sported a more varied, vibrant population than any other free-roaming game so far.
A Good Match for: Fans of serialized fiction. With a conspiracy fetish tying everything all together, the Assassin's Creed games represent a journey through history and iteration, where you get to see how things were in the real world and where ideas are going in game design. Do follow through and continue Ezio's story in Assassin's Creed Brotherhood and Assassin's Creed Revelations.
Not for Those Who Want: A harmonious whole. The framing story of Assassin's Creed is the franchise's biggest problem. The present-day world that ordinary Desmond Miles walks through just isn't as lushly imagined as those his hooded predecessors prowled. The pieces of the game don't sync up in terms of appeal and you'll start getting involuntarily annoyed when you start to hear Desmond actor Nolan North's voice again.
Here's how it looks in action. Purchase from: Amazon | Wal-Mart | Best Buy | GameStop
Also available on PS3 and PC.

The 12 Best Games on Xbox 360

Batman: Arkham City

Rocksteady's second outing with Batman sharpens two areas where open-world games usually flounder: getting around and beating up bad guys. Arkham City's combat system perfectly combines fists, feet and gadgets to make Batman feel formidable. The experience of gliding above the rooftops and pouncing onto criminals from on high nails the feeling of being a creature-of-the-night crimefighter superhero.
A Good Match for: Comic-book fans who want to embody the Dark Knight. With plot and voicework by top talents who've brought Batman's world to life, Arkham City's creative pedigree enhances its great mechanics.
Not for Those Who Want: The atmosphere of Arkham Asylum. In delivering bigger environments, this Bat-game sacrifices some of the moody atmospherics of its predecessor.
Here's how it looks in action. Purchase from: Amazon | Wal-Mart | Best Buy | GameStop
Also available on PS3 and PC.

The 12 Best Games on Xbox 360


Regularly cited as one of the best games ever made, Irrational Games' beloved adventure submerges players in Rapture, an undersea world city torn apart by civil war and rife with the worst behaviors in human nature. The way you wield your character's supernatural abilities doesn't just advance the game's plot but also reveals a little about you as a person.
A Good Match for: College Students. BioShock feels like a new kind of cultural experience, one that you help create as you play. Its use of directed aesthetic and literary reference have also made it the game that's launched 1,000 thesis papers
Not for Those Who Want: High-octane action. While the gameplay encounters in BioShock are entertaining, there's a lot of space between them when compared to other first-person games.
Here's how it looks in action. Purchase from: Amazon | GameStop
Also available on PS3 and PC.

Burnout Paradise

Automotive destruction's never looked as sexy as it does in Criterion's hi-speed racing game. You're tasked with driving against traffic, scraping against civilian cars and shoving competitors into signature crashes called Takedowns. But, Paradise also deserves praise for a seamless integration of multiplayer where dropping into a showdown can be quick as tapping a button.
A Good Match for: Street racing fans. If you've ever pulled up to a stoplight and imagined what it'd be like to burn rubber on a wide-open stretch of asphalt—and survive any ensuing mishaps—
Not for Those Who Want: To tune the specs of their rides. It may be Paradise but these aren't real-world cars. You can't do much more than swap out paint jobs, so those wanting to make changes to brakes, shock or engines will need to get their grease-monkey fix elsewhere.
Here's how it looks in action. Purchase from: Amazon | Best Buy | GameStop
Also available on PS3 and PC.

The 12 Best Games on Xbox 360


Paradoxical as it may seem, stealth and freedom should go hand-in-hand in video games. The folks behind this stellar hybrid understand this and give players the chance to steer Corvo Attano's quest for revenge however they choose. With the abilities and weapons on hand, you can teleport through a level and knock every one unconscious for a non-lethal run or slow down time and gun down ever fool who comes your way. No matter how you play, the atmospheric world of Dunwall is a beautiful place to creep through.
A Good Match for: Alternate reality enthusiasts. If you're a fan of Earths where thing went seriously wrong/different, then you'll want to heed Dishonored's call. The city of Dunwall harbors just enough tech for you to hack and repurpose but the game also endows you with a slew of magical abilities that let you get creative in how you work through a mission. This isn't Solid Snake or Sam Fisher sneaking. It's something more steampunk.
Not for Those Who Want: To know where they're going to wind up. The reticule that you use for the Blink teleport ability can be hard to see/aim, making it a bit of painful guesswork to figure out if Corvo will be going exactly where you want him to.
Here's how it looks in action. Purchase from: Amazon | Best Buy | Gamestop
Also available for PS3 and PC

The 12 Best Games on Xbox 360

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Bethesda Softworks' hit role-playing game does nothing so much as deliver a giant, Tolkien-styled possibility space to its players. The high-altitude climes of Tamriel feel alive with wonder and threat. The ability to customize your warrior outcast with a singular mix of mystical skills and melee mastery feels as broad as Skyrim's horizon.
A Good Match for: Dungeon & Dragon players. Adventuring in Skyrim feels like spinning your own epic yarn, as songs of your feats spread digitally from town to town in a gameworld that reacts to your actions. You can spend weeks meandering in its fascinating sidequests, leaving the main story.
Not for Those Who Want: Urgency. The drive to wander and discover overpowers the drive to complete in Skyrim. If you're the kind of player who wants those two vectors to meet in a meaningful way, you'll find The Elder Scrolls V a bit frustrating.
Here's how it looks in action. Purchase from: Amazon | Wal-Mart | Best Buy | GameStop
Also available on PS3 and PC.

The 12 Best Games on Xbox 360

Gears of War 3

Gears 3 fills the marquee spot held by Bungie's Halo games and with good reason. Epic Games' scifi shooter threequel represents hardcore shooter nirvana: a tightly-polished campaign that plays great solo or coop and some of the best multiplayer found anywhere. Moreover, the game's been robustly supported with both campaign and multiplayer DLC designed to deepen an already hearty release.
A Good Match for: Dedicated online shooter fanatics who play every day. The more you play, the more Gears 3 rewards you.
Not for Those Who Want: Deep character development or intriguing story structure. Gears games have always been meat-and-potatoes in terms of plot
Here's how it looks in action. Purchase from: Amazon | Wal-Mart | Best Buy | GameStop

Halo: Reach

Bungie created the best goodbye possible with a "final" Halo title that both looks forward and backward in the blockbuster FPS franchise's history. Pairing up a health system similar to that of the first Halo game with all-new abilities like jetpacks and holographic decoys makes the decade-old series feel simultaneously familiar and fresh.
A Good Match for: Sci-fi fans. To play a Halo game is to be introduced to an expansive fictional universe. Reach places you inside one of the Halo-verse's pivotal battles and imbues its lead characters and environments with more personality than in previous games.
Not for Those Who Want: Master Chief. The Spartan you control in Halo: Reach isn't as invulnerable or powerful as the Xbox mascot and the feel of certain weapons gets tweaked when compared to previous games.
Here's how it looks in action. Purchase from: Amazon | Wal-Mart | Best Buy | GameStop

The 12 Best Games on Xbox 360

NBA 2K12

What do you do for an encore after bringing a virtual Michael Jordan back to video games after a decades-long absence? Well, 2K Sports assembled dozens of the greatest b-ball teams throughout hoops history, let players rehash rivalries and traveled back in time to tight-shorts yesteryear. If NBA 2K11 was a love letter to one player, then 2K12 is an ode to the whole sport.
A Good Match for: Atlanta Hawks fans. New York Knick Fans. Minnesota Timberwolves fans. If you're unlucky enough to live in a city that's only had fleeting flashes of b-ball star power, the "NBA's Greatest" mode will let you bask in those glory days and forget how, erm, challenged your hometown team currently is.
Not for Those Who Want: Online pick-and-rolls. Since its launch last year, it's been a rocky road for people wanting to play NBA 2K12 against each other online. Constant dropped connections and crippling lag have actual competitive match-ups against other humans the stuff of dreams.
Here's how it looks in action. Purchase from: Amazon | Wal-Mart | Best Buy | GameStop
Also available on PS3 and PC.

The 12 Best Games on Xbox 360

Red Dead Redemption

The most assured work by the makers of the Grand Theft Auto games finds its success by shedding the trappings of the modern-day world and giving players a vast virtual Southwest to roam in search of revenge. When your lonely ambles suddenly get shattered by an ambush or the plea to stop an unjust hanging, it's a bittersweet adrenaline rush unlike anything else in modern video games. Silence, then gunfire, then more fleeting silence again.
A Good Match for: Admirers of killer endings. The denouement for the turn-of-the-century saga stands as an emotionally powerful finish that can stand amongst the cowboy cinema that inspired it.
Not for Those Who Want: Brevity. Redemption's plot takes a long amount of playtime to resolve and you'll often feel like you're doing busy work in the nooks and crannies of its spaghetti Western gameworld.
Here's how it looks in action. Purchase from: Amazon | Wal-Mart | Best Buy | GameStop
Also available on PS3.

Super Street Fighter IV

Capcom's flagship fighting franchise minted a new paradigm for modern-day martial arts titles, with explosive, slightly distorted personality grafted onto deep, intricate movesets. How you learn to play and how you execute
A Good Match for: Wrestling fans. While games based on the TNA and WWE pro-wrestling promotions do exist, the color and swagger gets diluted in service of verisimilitude. The cartoonish nationalism and braggadocio of SSFIV provides an irresistible catalyst for gamers everywhere to compete in their own living room championships.
Not for Those Who Want: Gore. For all its superpowered uppercuts and slashes, Super Street Fighter IV's a strictly Teen-rated experience. Fighting game fans in search of bones and blood will find the visceral action of Mortal Kombat more to their liking.
Purchase from: Amazon | Wal-Mart | Best Buy | GameStop
Also available on PS3.

The 12 Best Games on Xbox 360

XCOM: Enemy Unknown

There it is: proof that a multiplatform game released in 2012 can recapture the glories of a 1994 PC classic. The re-imagined XCOM delivers graphical upgrades and interface refinements like you might expect but what really makes it sing is the added attachment that you feel to the battles and the soldiers who fight them.
A Good Match for: Efficiency lovers. This version of human-vs-aliens warfare streamlines gameplay when compared to its predecessor. And the importance of cover in combat and clever deployment of perks makes you consider every decision intemsely.
Not for Those Who Want: Quick skirmishes. The combat in 2012 XCOM can stretch on way longer than is necessary. Because the battles require active engagement, you can feel chained to a session.
Here's how it looks in action. Purchase from: Amazon | Best Buy | Gamestop
Also available for PS3 and PC.

Far Cry 3 (2012) PC Game mediafire

Far Cry 3 (2012)
PC Game

Far Cry 3-RELOADED| Publisher: Ubisoft | Developer: Ubisoft Montreal | Genre: First-Person Shooter | Platform: PC | Size: 9.55GB | Release Date: 29.11.2012

Beyond the reach of civilization lies a lawless island ruled by violence. This is where you find yourself stranded, caught in a bloody conflict between psychotic warlords and indigenous rebels. Struggling to survive, your only hope of escape is through the muzzle of a gun. Discover the island’s dark secrets and take the fight to the enemy; improvise and use your environment to your advantage; and outwit its cast of ruthless, deranged inhabitants. Beware the beauty and mystery of this island of insanity… You’ll need more than luck to escape alive.

Key Features:
Create your own FPS adventure. Customize your weapons, your skills and your approach to each mission, whether you favor intense run-and-gun action, stealthy close-up takedowns or long-range sniping.

Play online or split screen and team up in a four-player campaign which challenges you to be your best and work together to prevail. Experience the island through the eyes of a wayward crew in their own quest to survive against the odds.

The powerful and easy-to-use Far Cry® Map Editor is back, with new and improved features. A community of mapmakers ensures a constant stream of all-new content with the very best being showcased for the whole world to enjoy. Using the included tools, you too can make amazing maps, quickly and easily.

Far Cry® 3 is being developed by the world-class game designers who brought you such critically acclaimed titles as Assassin’s Creed® 2, Assassin’s Creed® Brotherhood, and World in Conflict®.

Minimum System Requirements:
OS:Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7
Processor:Intel Core®2 Duo E6700 @ 2.6 GHz or AMD Athlon64 X2 6000+ @ 3.0Ghz or better
Memory:2 GB RAM
Graphics:512MB Video RAM (1GB Video RAM), DirectX9c (DirectX11) Shader Model 3.0 (Shader Model 5.0)
Hard Drive:15 GB HD space
Sound:DirectX Compatible (Recommended Surround Sound 5.1 capable)

Far Cry 3 (2012)Far Cry 3 (2012)Far Cry 3 (2012)
Far Cry 3 (2012)

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Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Download Game
Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Download Game - Call of Duty Black Ops 2 is shooter game. An entry into the blockbuster first-person shooter franchise, Call of Duty: Black Ops II brings players back into the shadows for another Black Ops mission assignment. Rooted in near-future fiction, Black Ops II propels players into warfare in an epic single player campaign highlighted by branching storylines and non-linear missions. A re-imagined multiplayer suite introduces players to some of the most cutting-edge weaponry and equipment that 2025 will have to offer. And on the outskirts of the campaign is an all-new Zombies experience running in the multiplayer engine.

Screenshot Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Game
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Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Download Game

The 12 Best Games on Facebook

You joined Facebook, which just proves Zuckerberg's plan is working. Whatever it is. First, it was people tagging you.
Then poking you. (Or maybe it was vice versa. Whatevs.)
Soon after, your feed got the 'Villes virus with people needing stuff. Rather than run away, you're following your curiosity into the gaming wilds of Facebook. To quote a title that's not on the ginormous social network, it's dangerous to go alone. Take these games with you.
Update 12/26/12: You might have noticed that the names of the games showing up in your Facebook newsfeed have changed. Sure, some are the same titles with a 2 tacked on, but others look more clever or intriguing than the ones that have come before. Want to see the latest in what's actually worth playing on the big blue social network? Read on.

The 12 Best Games on Facebook

Angry Birds Star Wars

Yes, yes… you're all aghast. "How could they?!" But, as we've said elsewhere Angry Birds Star Wars is actually a smart infusion of gameplay ideas from the beloved film property and Rovio's inescapable game series. The Facebook version adds leaderboards so you can compete with friends and a weekly challenge designed to keep you coming back. This is an Angry Birds game that deserves your respect. Search your feelings. You know it to be true.
A Good Match for: Power-up lovers. ABSW doles out a bunch of cool Skywalker-themed items, like a Blaster Droid that fires laser bolts as you fly through the air. Gear like that and the Thermal Detonator—which acts as a sticky grenade on the pigs' shaky architecture—make it feel like you've got a Rebel Alliance arsenal at your fingertips.
Not for Those Who Want: Angry Birds to go away. This latest release is just further evidence that there's no corner of the world Rovio's fat flyers won't seep into. Start building that bunker.
Here's how it looks in action. Play on Facebook.

Marvel: Avengers Alliance

Avengers Alliance is a turn-based role-playing game featuring the entire Marvel Comics Universe. You're an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., tasked with assembling the mightiest team of super humans the world has ever seen. Collect iconic super heroes as if they were stickers and deploy them on missions to take down the forces of evil. Research new weapons to aid in old school RPG battles with an easy-to-grasp rock-paper-scissors combat mechanic. Revel in the control a man or woman in a black business suit has over the most powerful beings in the universe.
A Good Match for: Comic book fans. There's not much in the way of comic book-related games on Facebook at the moment, and none of them are quite this good. Next to the classic four-player arcade game, this is probably the best Avengers video game going.
Not for Those Who Want: Action. This is an old school turn-based RPG. Cyclops, Iron Man, and Captain America stand on one side of the screen, taking turns with the enemy issuing simple battle commands. They gain experience. They level up. It's a more thoughtful way of beating the heck out of the bad guys.
Here's how it looks in action. Play on Facebook.

Bubble Witch Saga

Bubble Witch Saga marries the colorful bubble-popping action of Bust-a-Move with a skee ball-like scoring system and creates a truly engrossing gaming experience. There are more than 150 levels to unlock and conquer, your progress tracked on a colorful map filled with all of your friends.
A Good Match for: Puzzle fans that aren't afraid to try, try again. Bubble Witch Saga starts off easy but gets challenging real quick. As new obstacles are added to the game's playfields you'll spend less and less time progressing and more and more getting incredibly close to beating a level and then failing miserably. The moment when you finally take down a tough level is glorious, but you've got to work for it.
Not for Those Who Want: Immediate reward. They'll love the first 10 levels or so but might crumble once the going gets tough.
Here's how it looks in action. Play on Facebook.

The 12 Best Games on Facebook

Empires & Allies

This Zynga game finally realized a proper purpose for the virtual real estate you build on Facebook: to make that airplanes rain death on your frenemies. Invading your friends' towns starts a turn-based conflict that happens on land, sea or air. Who needs crops?
A Good Match for: Advance Wars fans. Who knows when Nintendo's going to update its classic strategy franchise? E&A's a good substitute—complete with storyline and boss fights—that you can play with dedicated hardware.
Not for Those Who Want: A solo experience. You still need friends to wage war against. So get ready to piss some acquaintance off and get to fighting it out.
Here's how it looks in action. Play on Facebook.

The 12 Best Games on Facebook

Farmville 2

Farmville. It's the game that seemed to exemplify everything that was annoying about social games on Facebook: a transparent scheme that limited how much progress you could make to ensure you'd be coming back for more, unless you bugged friends or paid cash to speed things up. The sequel to Zynga's big hit deepens the complexity—crops can be crafted to feed animals, lumber goes into new buildings—so that it feels more interconnected. The hated energy mechanic is gone, too, which means you keep tweaking your virtual farm as much as you want.
A Good Match for: People pressed for time. You can click around your virtual livestock and crops for as little as ten minutes and set up a series of advancing moves that pay off big time when you check in later.
Not for Those Who Want: Rewards for playing the first Farmville. You won't reap any benefits from all that time you sank into the preceding game in this series. An odd misstep for a game that relies so heavily on a network sensibility.
Here's how it looks in action. Play on Facebook.

The Grinns Tale

The biggest surprise about Nexon's social game is how it manages to capture the quirky feel of SNES-era RPGs in the unlikeliest of places, Facebook. The art design is adorably idiosyncratic, the music rousing and poignant and, most importantly, the adventure builds to pleasant crescendos.
A Good Match for: Team builders. Players will have to venture inside an eldritch tower to battle evil creatures and maintain a virtual village that they'll cull supplies and allies from. You build houses to get new settlers, who then man the pubs and shops that make armor and food. Townsfolk can also be made to pitch in certain tasks to speed them up. When all the pieces of the experience are humming along, it really feels like you're in control of a mighty, monster-fighting machine full of tiny, weird-looking people.
Not for Those Who Want: . Collaboration. While villagers will get their names from your Facebook friends—who can give you gifts—there's no really significant way for those other human beings to influence your progress in the game.
Here's how it looks in action. Play on Facebook.

The 12 Best Games on Facebook

Legends: Rise of a Hero

Legends: Rise of a Hero is what is being referred to as a "midcore" game, one that combines the action mechanics of a "hardcore" game with the more leisurely aspects of casual games. When players aren't busy cultivating their home base, populating it with shops to craft items and buildings to generate gold coins, they're out in the wilderness alone or grouped with AI-controlled companions, battling creatures and completing quests.
A Good Match for: Casual players looking for a little more action. While more hardcore gamers might not appreciate the slower pace of Legends, it's the perfect game to acquaint the farmers and city-builders of Facebook with the other side of gaming.
Not for Those Who Want: To sit back and watch their game happen.
Play on Facebook.

The 12 Best Games on Facebook

PixelJunk Monsters Online

Q-Games crafted an incredibly sticky, punishingly difficult single-player game for the PS3 a few years back. PixelJunk Monsters Online takes the same game and migrates it to the Web, where you're not only defending territory but expanding it as well.
A Good Match for: Alpha males and females. The social overlay for PMO turns friends into rivals and encourages you to grab at their grasslands. It's finally your chance to be a video game boss. Make everyone proud, okay?
Not for Those Who Want: To be isolationists. All the action happens on a shared world map, which means someone will come gunning for you. Be ready.
The 12 Best Games on Facebook Here's how it looks in action.
Play on Facebook.

The 12 Best Games on Facebook

Robot Rising

Robot Rising doesn't look or play like any other game on Facebook. While other developers dabble with a blend of hardcore and social gameplay on the platform, Stomp Games stays true to its name, stomping in and laying down a full-fledged robot-powered action role-playing game with stunning graphics, explosive sound and a little base management thrown in to keep the more casual players from getting lost in a sea of exploding machine bits. There is no begging friends here—just gifting, should the mood hit you.
A Good Match for: Action RPG fans looking for a quick fix. With a never-ending supply of randomly-generated missions, fans of games like Torchlight and Diablo looking for something little, mechanical and different will be in click-to-kill heaven.
Not for Those Who Want: A relaxing city management sim. While building your base is a part of the process, Robot Rising's core experience is about exploring dungeons and blowing the hell out of anything that moves.
Here's how it looks in action. Play on Facebook.

The 12 Best Games on Facebook

Robot Unicorn Attack: Evolution

The first Robot Unicorn was a Facebook classic, and the sequel ups the ante in just about every way. Now there are more animals, more power-ups, and… well, still just the one song. But who would want to change that? Best of all, it's the rare Facebook game that's cool enough that you won't mind if it tells your friends you're playing it.
A Good Match for: Erasure fans, panda fans, unicorn fans, people who like colors.
Not for Those Who Want: A game without Erasure, pandas, unicorns and colors.
Here's how it looks in action. Play on Facebook.

The 12 Best Games on Facebook

Words with Friends

Part of what helped Facebook become a gaming powerhouse was networked word games like Words with Friends. WWF stands out because of its robust client and speedy refresh, making it so that you can hammer out rounds as quickly as you want.
A Good Match for: On-the-go types. The grid's slightly different than other such games, but the main draw for Words with Friends is its cross-platform functionality. iOS and Android apps access the same game that lives on the web, meaning that you'll be able to nail that triple word score on your way back from the gym.
Not for Those Who Want: To know what they'll score. There's a certain suspense that WWF generates by virtue of not letting you know what your word is worth until after you play it.
The 12 Best Games on Facebook Here's how it looks in action.
Play on Facebook.

You Don't Know Jack

It's the irreverent trivia game that in some ways defined the 90s, reincarnated in a sharp, current, updated way that takes full advantage of the friend connections Facebook has to offer. It actually uses asynchronous gameplay effectively, to let you compete against your friends (and strangers) as if in real time.
A Good Match For: Anyone who likes silliness, who could use a bit more PG-13 humor in their day, or who wants to prove to their family how much smarter they are in six minutes or less.
Not for Those Who Want: Straightlaced, cooperative trivia. You Don't Know Jack will try to mislead you with puns. Don't let it. Other players can use boosts to augment their scores. Beat them anyway.
Here's how it looks in action. Play on Facebook.

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